Get the justices’ latest financial disclosures from Fix the Court here.

In a major win for transparency and for Fix the Court, as of Nov. 2022, the justices’ annual financial disclosures are now posted in this online database (in addition to our site) thanks to a law President Biden signed in May 2022.

Under the law the database is also supposed to include the disclosures of the roughly 2,300 non-SCOTUS federal judges. But as of June 2024, only about 81 percent of the judges’ 2022 reports and 91 percent of their 2021 reports have been uploaded. (Only 10 percent of the 2023s have been uploaded, but the courts have until August to publish them.)

We’ll be working with our congressional and judiciary allies to improve these numbers.

We’re also urging the judiciary to adopt the same exacting travel, gift and personal hospitality rules that members of Congress and top executive branch officials must follow.

If the third branch demurs, we’ll seek a federal law to fix this.

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