You Won't Believe It: There Are Still New Kavanaugh E-mails Coming Out
***Read the e-mails here; highlights below***
On Dec. 18. 2018, the George W. Bush Library released another batch of e-mails from Justice Kavanaugh’s time in the White House Counsel’s Office, i.e., 2001-2003.
The e-mails do not reveal a huge amount about what the soon-to-be staff secretary was working on beyond what the public already knows from earlier document drops, but there are several that are interesting that we will mention here.
Highlights from the Dec. 18 batch include:
P. 2: Kavanaugh decides it’s sometimes worth it to “engage with the libs”
P. 4: Still likes beer
Pp. 7-8: Old habits die hard, as Kavanaugh writes negative things about the Clintons, some of which is redacted
P. 8: This e-mail implies that White House officials were illegally deleting e-mails for the first month they were in their positions
P. 9: A mysterious e-mail about Judge Alex Kozinski, for whom Kavanaugh clerked
P. 11: E-mails here seem to suggest that Kavanaugh worked on the two affirmative action cases that the Supreme Court decided in 2003
P. 12: Kavanaugh drafted a line about all judicial nominees getting hearings and votes that seems to have been dropped from the 2003 State of the Union address
P. 13: Here is the e-mail about the “4A issue” that Democrats leaked to the New York Times during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing, which seems to undermine the then-nominee’s assertion that he did not work on wiretapping and related issues – and didn’t even know about the NSA program until the Times broke the story in Dec. 2005
P. 19: An e-mail mix-up: Democratic Senate Judiciary staff seems to have received a Republican Senate Judiciary staff e-mail in error
P. 21: Kavanaugh is concerned that Leonard Leo is upset that the President didn’t mention judges at an event (turns out Bush did)
Pp. 25-26: Betsy DeVos is upset that Karl Rove does not want to fly on her private plane (really)
Pp. 27-29: This is the draft letter that Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee were planning on sending to Majority Leader Tom Daschle about upholding a robust blue slip program. The letter was sent from Manny Miranda, a Republican staffer who was fired for stealing Democratic staffers’ e-mails, to Kavanaugh and was published by ThinkProgress on Sept. 5, 2018
P. 37: Kavanaugh wants to know if Leonard Leo is okay with his attendance at a Hill briefing on judicial nominations
Another new set was released on Feb. 11. We will analyze those in the coming weeks.