FTC Applauds Congressmen's Live Audio Letter to SCOTUS for Term's Top Case
Fix the Court today is applauding the letter a bipartisan group of congressman sent to Chief Justice Roberts requesting live audio for Tuesday’s partisan gerrymandering case.
“This is not hard. The Supreme Court’s sole courtroom has live audio capabilities, and much of the country wants to hear the case,” FTC executive director Gabe Roth said. “It’s time for the Chief Justice to make it happen.”
The full text of the congressmen’s letter is below:
Dear Chief Justice Roberts:
We write to urge the Supreme Court of the United States to provide a live audio recording of the case 16-1161, Gill v. Whitford, on the Court’s website on October 3.
In the past 17 years, the Court has released same-day audio for 26 cases with heightened public interest. This case undoubtedly meets that bar. The Court also has the technical capability to livestream audio from its courtroom, as was done for the November 2016 special session of the Supreme Court Bar honoring Justice Scalia.
Broadcasting live video of open proceedings before the Court, as called for in the Cameras in the Courtroom Act (H.R. 464), would also ensure transparency and accountability in the judicial branch. We urge the Court to consider televising all oral arguments to increase public transparency and improve understanding of its proceedings.
Livestreaming audio of the Gill v. Whitford proceedings would be a laudable step forward in the path toward full transparency. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Best regards,
Reps. Gerry Connolly, Jerrold Nadler, Ted Poe and Mike Quigley