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FOIA to George W. Bush Library and Museum on Judge Kavanaugh's Records

George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum
c/o FOIA Coordinator
2943 SMU Boulevard
Dallas, TX, 75205
Delivered via e-mail

May 8, 2017

To whom it may concern:

Pursuant to Freedom of Information Act, I request access to and copies of the following:
– All correspondence, records, and files of Brett M. Kavanaugh.

For reference, Mr. Kavanaugh served in the White House from January 2001 to May 2006.

As Fix the Court is a nonprofit organization, I request that any fees that may be associated with this request be waived. Given the time-sensitive nature of this request, I also ask that it be expedited.

If possible, I would prefer to receive this information electronically via e-mail at If records must be sent by mail, please send them to: Gabe Roth, Fix the Court, 1440 G St. NW, Ste. 801, Washington, D.C., 20005.

If you have questions or need additional information from me, please feel free to call me at 202-780-4990.

If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act.

Thank you for your assistance.

Gabe Roth
Executive Director
Fix the Court

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