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Ahead of the Curve

Fix the Court been leading the call for fixes to the judiciary for nearly a decade.

Here are a number that have caught on of late.

2014: Fix the Court wrote about Justice Thomas failing to recuse in cases tied to the people paying for his lavish trips.

Today: Nearly everyone is calling on Thomas to recuse in these types of cases.

2015: Fix the Court highlighted the impropriety of the gifts Thomas accepted.

Today: A bill banning judicial gifts, which we helped draft, has 55 cosponsors.

2015: Fix the Court called on 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices.

Last month: The White House joined us in making that call.

2019: Fix the Court devised a plan to add dozens of new judges to the overworked and understaffed lower federal courts by staggering appointments over two decades, so neither party could game the system.

Last month: The Senate passed such a bill, which the House will soon take up.

2022: Fix the Court said Congress should withhold non-security funding from SCOTUS if they refused to implement enforceable ethics rules.

Last year: Two senators introduced this idea as budget amendments.

2023: Fix the Court called on the Attorney General to appoint a special counsel to investigate Justice Thomas’ improper gifts and trips.

Last month: Two senators sent a letter to AG Garland asking him to do that.

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