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Forty SCOTUS Lawyers to SCOTUS: Make Live Audio Permanent

Forty attorneys — all members of the Supreme Court, who’ve collectively argued 464 cases before the justices — sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts today inn which they ask that the court “make permanent its policy of livestreaming oral argument audio to the public.”

The court began livestreaming arguments toward the start of the pandemic, in May 2020, and though it has continued its live audio policy into March 2022, there’s no guarantee that it’ll continue once all the pandemic-era restrictions are lifted.

The letter concludes: “Among the signatories below, some believe that if the practice of justices reading summaries of their opinions from the bench returns, those exercises should be livestreamed, as well. And some believe that live audio should one day give way to live video. But neither of these issues appears to be before the Court at the moment. Right now, we are focused on audio livestreaming: a policy we wish would continue for as long as you are Chief Justice, and beyond.”

Read the full letter here.

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