Event Tomorrow: The Importance of Term Limits for the Supreme Court
What do Cory Booker, Steve Calabresi, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Ross Douthat, Elena Kagan, Ro Khanna, Ezra Klein, Rick Perry and John Roberts have in common?
They’ve all at some point supported an end to life tenure at the Supreme Court. Not bad! But what would this reform look like in practice?
Read CAP’s term limits report here.
Please join the Center for American Progress at 10:30 a.m. ET tomorrow, Aug. 4, for a discussion on proposals to build a more modern, less methuselan court, featuring Columbia Law Prof. Jamal Greene, Caroline Fredrickson from the Brennan Center and Gabe Roth from Fix the Court. Statute, amendment, 18 years, senior justices, some sort of rotation? We’ll aim to sort it out for you with specifics. Registration is here.
Questions may be submitted to CAPeventquestions@amercanprogr