Letter to Circuit Executives Calling for Circuit-Based Committees on Harassment Policy
(This letter was personalized and sent to the circuit executives of the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Eleventh and Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals on June 18.)
Dear Circuit Executive,
This is Gabe Roth with Fix the Court. I’m sure you’ve seen the report that the Judiciary Working Group on Workplace Conduct released earlier this month, as well as the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing last week examining its proposals.
From watching the hearing and speaking with committee staff, I know that elected officials from both parties believe several aspects of the report fall short, in that the third branch nationally can do more to strengthen anti-harassment policies and establish clearer protocols through which court employees can report misconduct without fear of retribution. Further, the extent to which the working group’s recommendations, both those from its June 1 report and those it will ordain in the future, are applicable to the circuits remains unclear.
That’s why I’m writing today. To date, three circuit courts have established their own working groups – the Seventh, Ninth and D.C. Circuits – to examine policies on misconduct. I am hoping your circuit will consider doing so, as well.
I know that you and your judges take your charge to protect court employees seriously, and even as the national working group continues its efforts in earnest, I hope you consider a more local initiative, as well (apologies if you have and I missed that in my research).
Thank you for your consideration.
Gabe Roth
Executive Director
Fix the Court