Sotomayor: From "positive experiences" to "think[ing] it's a bad idea"
All nine sitting justices have at some point in their careers expressed positive or at least neutral sentiments toward putting cameras in the Supreme Court to televise oral arguments and opinion announcements.
For whatever reason, the justices today balk at the question – or have changed their opinion outright. That includes Justice Sotomayor.
Here are her own words on cameras in the court, changing over time:
2009 confirmation hearing: “I have had positive experiences with cameras. When I have been asked to join experiments of using cameras in the courtroom, I have participated. I have volunteered.” July 14, 2009
2015: “I am moving more closely to saying I think it is a bad idea.” February 2, 2015, Forum Club of the Palm Beaches
Fix the Court believes that the justices – either of their own accord or compelled by Congress – should grant the media and the public greater access to oral arguments and opinion announcements through the live broadcast of those events.