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Scalia: From "in favor" to "miseducat[ing] and misinform[ing]"

All nine sitting justices have at some point in their careers expressed positive or at least neutral sentiments toward putting cameras in the Supreme Court to televise oral arguments and opinion announcements.

For whatever reason, the justices today balk at the question – or have changed their opinion outright. That includes Justice Scalia.

Here are his own words on cameras in the court, changing over time:

1990: “When I first came on the court, I was in favor of having cameras in the court. I am less [now]. […] Our sessions are open and anytime any of you is in Washington, I certainly invite you to attend, urge you to attend. I think it’s a good show myself.” May 23, 1990

2006: “If I thought that cameras in the Supreme Court would really educate the people, I would be all for it. But I think it would miseducate and misinform. […] Nobody’s going to be watching that gavel-to-gavel except a few C-SPAN junkies.” October 20, 2006, Georgetown University’s “Blue and Gray”

Fix the Court believes that the justices – either of their own accord or compelled by Congress – should grant the media and the public greater access to oral arguments and opinion announcements through the live broadcast of those events.

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